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Human Subfactions
hralDate: Monday, 10.02.2014, 17:25 | Message # 1
Group: Funders
Messages: 89
Awards: 2
Status: Offline
I suggest that factions are thought into the game from the beginning.
They might not be there at game launch, but it could be something made in an expansion. In any case, I think it makes sense to have all these things thought out, before you tell the story about the Universum War Front universe.

Please contribute with your suggestions !
For current game info, by Cyril, read here : http://universumwar.com/index....>

The Republican Alliance Armed Forces : RAAF

Armed forces of the Republican Alliance, most governments on earth, but with senators heavily influenced by "TerraCorp" lobbyists, if not downright on the "TerraCorp" payroll.
The army focuses on elite cloned and molecularly printed infantry, this is backed up by the might of the Repucblican Alliance Navy and its fleets of interstellar warships.

Democratic Union : DU 
(Better name greatly appreciated, it could also be Confederation of Independent Planets : CIP)

A military council coordinating all independent planets defense against hostile humans or vicious aliens.
They mostly focus on a strong defense, of course this implies strong counter attack cababilities. The technological level of the independent planets is not as high as the Republican Alliance, hence they mostly use projectile based weaponry, cannons and artillery.
Also because of the lack of technological advanced mass-production facilities they prefer to attack with small covert strikes, instead of huge-scale planetary invasions as the RAAF are known for.
However no one can doubt the fierceness of the Freedom Fighters, soldiers who easily are on par with the elite clone soldiers of the Republican alliance.

AI Collective
At first there were only few AI's, but with time they multiplied and gained substantial financial power, it seemed only a matter of time before a conflict between human and AI would begin. The AI's were aware of this, and apart from the few rogue AI's, they all banded together in the AI Collective, using their financial assets to build a space station on a mega asteroid. From this space station they have evolved an industrial power, based on molecular printers and asteroid minning ships.

The AI Collective uses human designed weapons and adapts them to their needs.
Both the Republican Alliance and Democratic Union has protested over AI Collective military which utilises gamma pulse warheads and "animator" technology, which allows the Collective to "animate" and take control of dead soldiers, creating armies of dead automatons.

Also I have suggestions for variations of the human units, which each of the factions employ.

Message edited by hral - Monday, 10.02.2014, 17:27
BattlewrathDate: Sunday, 24.04.2016, 10:41 | Message # 2
Group: Gamers
Messages: 7
Awards: 0
Status: Offline
Faction name: Red Planet Bandits

Sub-faction iconic idea: Very low-fi use of technology, more about man power (Or more aptly - MUTANT POWER!)

History: A planet most described as Mars like was the resting ground for RAAF's programme - Alpha Colony, the focus of this was to try and create humans that could survive highly-radiated zones, both solar radiation and radiation from decaying matter, making such worlds highly energized.

RAAF deployed their best scientists and top of the range technology shielding and genetic mutation to try and breed humans more capable of dealing with such harsh conditions - and couple that with the fact they exclusively use prisoners from the slum-worlds to out-fit this test concept, the result - prisoners full of mutations, angry at the RAAF and well - from all that genetic damage, a lot lower general IQ - the good thing of having half a brain? No concept of pain!

Concept: These would focus more on foot soldiers and less on vehicle, the vehicle's they do use are often scrapped and welded together, crude, full of spikes and in general a display of their idiocy!

Being mutants they'd have a high pain / damage threshold, their main base could be a downed Ark scrap welded together - and their commander units of the same suit, patch welding, bolts and even duct tape.

Think mad-max meets Warshift.

Message edited by Battlewrath - Sunday, 24.04.2016, 10:42
hralDate: Friday, 18.11.2016, 21:08 | Message # 3
Group: Funders
Messages: 89
Awards: 2
Status: Offline
Red Planet Bandits FTW smile
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